How to set dynamic DNS-Entries using Terraform

D. Heinrich
2 min readApr 3, 2019


Terraform provides a huge number of providers. One of them is the DNS-Provider which can be used for BIND or NAMED DNS-Servers.

I will shortly describe how we achive a dynamic set of DNS.


Create a Key Secret:

$ echo "<mypassword>" | base64

Add a new key to the following to your /etc/bind/named.conf :

key <myKeyName>. {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "PG15cGFzc3dvcmQ+Cg==";

Set the following in /etc/bind/named.conf.local :

zone "<myZoneName>" {
type master;
update-policy {
grant <myKeyName> zonesub any;
file "/var/lib/bind/<myZoneName>.hosts";


Setup your provider DNS:

variable "dns_ip" {
description = "IP address of Master DNS-Server"
variable "dns_key" {
description = "name of the DNS-Key to user"
variable "dns_key_secret" {
description = "base 64 encoded string"

provider "dns" {
update {
server = "${var.dns_ip}"
key_name = "${var.dns_key}"
key_algorithm = "hmac-md5"
key_secret = "${var.dns_key_secret}"

Then run the terraform apply and you will find the following lines in your bind or named logfiles:

<TimeStamp> client @0x7faae8074ae0 <IP of Terraform executor>#52499/key <myKeyName>: updating zone '<myDomain1>/IN': adding an RR at '<record_name1>.<myDomain1>' A <record_ip1>
<TimeStamp> client @0x7faafc03e2a0 <IP of Terraform executor>#33708/key <myKeyName>: updating zone '<myDomain2>/IN': adding an RR at '<record_name2>.<myDomain2>' A <record_ip2>
<TimeStamp> client @0x7faae8074ae0 <IP of Terraform executor>#52499/key <myKeyName>: updating zone '<myDomain3>/IN': adding an RR at '<record_name3>.<myDomain3>' A <record_ip3>



D. Heinrich
D. Heinrich

Written by D. Heinrich

Working as a Head of Infrastructure at Flower Labs.

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